Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Heartaches worse than headaches?

Help: My heart is broken!!!

This post is for those of you who are trying to figure out how to get yourself together. Maybe you gave yourself to someone totally and completely with hopes of continuing life with them. Maybe you even gave yourself to that person to a point you would bend just to make sure they were happy. Maybe it was your body, your money, your morals. Then they stomped all over your heart! right? days, months, years .. wasted! right. I know the thoughts of "God why didn't this work?" "I really loved him (or her)."  I know you may feel hurt or betrayed. You've probably cried (if you're sensitive like me) well, did you honor God in that relationship? Did you follow God's plan or your own emotions? Did you ignore warning signs about this person?

Let's address it and get up 

Even if you did it's okay. you live and you learn. Be real with God and tell him what you've done that was wrong. The bible declares "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1John1:9  "People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy" Proverbs 28:13 Repentance is a change in mindset. Repent and get up! Sounds easy right? I know I know what you're thinking. It's not that easy. yea yea. you can't beat yourself up. God saw you, he knew what would happen before it happened. God doesn't have a sharpie documenting you on a board with tally marks. I know you're hurt but get this What's in the will of God for your life can't leave you.

so now that we've addressed what's not.. you're one step closer to what is... 

Before you do anything.. forgive that person. no I don't know what he or she did to you, but forgive them, it is not for them but for you. Pray for them. Release them via prayer. now you're ready for God to work on you.. go ahead..  Cry and scream to God if you wish.. get every emotion out quickly! Ask yourself, what reason would God allow you to go through this? self evaluate. Was it your disobedience? Was it to humble you? Have you treated someone that way before? Did you put that person before God?.... Don't be discouraged you still have purpose. Pray and seek what is in the will of God for you. I love the old song that says "Have thine own way" Ask God to lead you into making the steps he wants for you. Yes you're gonna hurt for a little while. The more you pray the more you'll be elevated to see a little bit more of God's plan for you... Don't be isolated and neglect the place of prayer. A trick of Satan is to convince you to stay away from prayer and stay away from God. Satan does that so he can have his way with you while you're emotionally unstable. You may be in the lowest place of your life that you have ever been in... the lowest of lows. My favorite story in the bible is about Jonah. We know that God tells Jonah to go one place and but Jonah decides to get on a boat and go to another place.guess what..He causes a storm. He had to admit to the sailors that he caused that storm then he ends up being thrown over and swallowed by a whale. but in the belly of the whale Jonah cried out to God. I know in the belly of the whale! the lowest of lows right?  you too can cry out.

Look There are many of men and women out there. You never know which one God has for you. So get busy get back up and get on the path God has for you. (Jeremiah 29:11) Sometimes it is hard to accept that somethings are and somethings are not in the plan of God for our lives. Take a minute to experience God's grace. Begin a journal, write those feelings down. Don't continue to chase that person who broke your heart!! Don't! You are a child of God you are royalty. recognize your worth! (Listen.. When God gives something to you don't have to make yourself vulnerable to get it. When you go grocery shopping you go in a store and you buy it right? you don't let it sit there in the store when you know you are supposed to have it) If you have done all these things in the previous paragraphs guess what you've done?? you moved on just that quick!! You have moved on!!!

 You went to the right place to get your heart fixed. You went to the heart fixer. Psalms 147:3 declares "He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds" Instead of trying to jump into another relationship to fix your heart Go to God. He will mend your heart. When you go to someone else quickly you can really hurt yourself. Your expectations would cause you to be disappointed. Don't even dwell on this past get up. The things in the relationship that were revealed to you, you should work on them because you still have a future. Most importantly get busy serving God. Do the things he has revealed to you to do. Thank God for the experience and keep truckin' (1 Thesalonians 5:18) "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Isaiah 26:3. Look, I know telling you to focus on God sounds a bit cliché but try it and see what happens. Try a few things to make yourself happy but that's not outside of God's will, don't go slashing tires now lol, instead do somethings you've never done that you've always wanted to do. Workout, go shopping, cut your hair, change your hair color, start a blog (lol). Do something different.no, do not make emotional decisions but do something you have wanted to do. do something for you! I am not posting this from something I've watched on tv or heard but from experience.

This is my very first post. so follow me on twitter @imkiarab and let me know what you think of this post. feel free to comment and share it with others. This heartbreak only bruised you it didn't tear you up. The good thing about bruises is that you can look back at your bruises and remember how you got them. "And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death" Revelation 12:11 It may feel embarrassing but tell your testimony when you're led by the spirit.
Trust me someone needs it.  I pray that this blesses you!

You are not your past! New Mindset! New you! now that is bible!
